Health Academy
One of our passions is sharing: time, space, experiences and of course knowledge. In our Health Academy we offer our patients and other health practitioners, live or online theoretic and practical classes, workshops and day activities to learn about:
- Self-care
- Health sovereignty
- Happiness and personal growth
We also offer our space to other like-minded health professionals who help us spread awareness and healthy practices.
3h workshop where we understand the logic behind our reflexological maps and learn to locate the most interesting areas for our personal health.
3 hours in which we will learn the basic theory of this ancient knowledge and the most useful acupuncture points for home treatment of our common pathologies.
3 hours in which we will learn to recognize and differentiate the main emergencies and how to act until specialized medical assistance arrives. We will be able to recognize situations, protocolize actions, and save lives.
We will learn about the different ways we may help cleanse our elimination organs, through nutrition, herbal medicine, restrictions and practices towards draining toxins.
3-hour workshop in which we will learn natural and sustainable practices with the body and the environment to live longer and better, with naturopathic and traditional medicine hacks.
Conscious herbal routes and walks in nature where we will discover the plants in our environment, their edible and medicinal uses.
Therapeutic nutrition and cooking methods depending on your clinical history, based on vegetables.
For couples, families, or therapy groups.
Through the comic book Las Saludables Aventuras de Sol we will play and have fun while finding out data and practices that help us feel better through the pillars of our health: nutrition, rest, movement, breathing and social support.
3-hour practical workshops where we will remember the knowledge of our grandmothers making body and household soaps using traditional ingredients.
we will learn how to have our own home lab to make our own toothpaste, face and body creams, shampoo and much more, in a simple way and with natural ingredients!
3-hour workshop in which we will learn how the body works in a very practical way and how to apply it to feel renewed, every day!
Let us know about your interest and we will make sure you learn all you need to know: Gut healing, Medicinal Mushrooms, Metabolic Syndrome, Fatty liver, Skin care…
“What is outside is inside”; the same way our bodies are like the Solar System for our cells, we are cells for the Solar System. Here we will understand our (im)prescindible role in the Universe.
We will learn about the basics for a life of happiness through contentment, control and alignment.
Group Classes
30-60 minute sessions in which we will share in a group different practices for personal growth (physical, mental and spiritual).
We will learn to observe the mind, breathe and get to know ourselves
We will jump on the mat to tone our muscles, improve elasticity and challenge our mind through this ancient discipline from the Ayurveda Medicine of India.
The goal is to mobilize the cardiovascular system, sweat, strengthen muscles and joints and burn fat.
Respiratory psychotherapy: controlled breathing techniques for overall health and emotional support.
Artistic expression through voice, theater and improvisation, clay and plasticine, painting and dance in which we will play with dimensions, emotional liberation and concealments.
Ancient moving art in which we will strengthen muscles, mind, balance and organs with smooth but controlled movements, always standing.
Rituals in which we will share sacred knowledge and work in a group with the ancestral power of the circle on different aspects of our lives.